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Disinfection for VA Hospitals

GloTran Can Reduce Hospital Acquired Infections & Save Hospitals Money

A Powerful Tool to Reduce Hospital-Acquired Infections

GloTran Disinfection Technology Gives Veteran Affairs (VA) Medical Facilities Easy Access

GloTran has been awarded a five-year Medical Equipment and Supplies contract (effective through Oct. 31, 2026), to allow federal customers to easily use our automated disinfection system in a variety of medical and industrial settings.

Hospital Acquired Infections (HAIs) can be difficult to manage using traditional methods (i.e. disinfecting wipes and sprays), resulting in hospitals choosing to dispose of certain items rather than administering proper disinfection. It’s not uncommon for hospitals to throw away specific equipment that includes blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, otoscopes, ultrasound transducers, and pulse oximeters, following a single-use.

GloTran allows hospitals to conserve resources and save money by disinfecting and reusing many frequently touched equipment.

VA Hospital - Veterans Hospital Disinfection

GloTran Saves VA Hospitals Money & Resources

It’s Essential for Hospitals to Reduce Medical Waste & Promote the Reuse of Medical Equipment & Devices

For VA hospitals, the practice of maximizing resources while keeping costs down is critical. But with rising healthcare costs and larger numbers of aging veterans turning to the VA for care, VA hospitals across the country face a serious tipping point.

Attempts to meet these challenges have led to staggering increases to the VA budget. Recently, the 2021 budget passed by Congress in December 2020 allocated a whopping $243 billion to the VA (an increase of more than $200 billion, or 500 percent, since 2001).

GloTran disinfection technology finally provides VA medical facilities with an effective way to prioritize fiscal responsibility and extend the life of its reusable equipment.

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